"School pressure is only one of the factors influencing search stimulant." Domestic chaos, fear, insecurity and instability can hide behind of this situation. Several studies show that students who swallow profile you are substances, beverages or drugs are related to their place of residence, availability to purchase them, interpersonal and family relationships. "Also involved the school grade, which is frequently observed in the top-level means, have more than 18 years do not spend time studies, belong to groups of students with undesirable behaviors, show an attitude of acceptance towards drug use." Substances psychoactive and energizing drinks hooking students for their alleged fortifying properties; however, the effects are short-lived and within the period of excitation disrupt memory, alter brain analytical capacity; also arrive to distort the perception and judgment of reality and even produce a false sense of excellent physical and mental functioning. Says Dr. Cyprian Borges Cordero.
"You have good nutrition is essential to help keep your energy levels. "
"Is a modern and attractive packaging product." Drinking it, the body increases your endurance in minutes, shows faster responses, increases the alert mental and disappears drowsiness. These are energy drinks that are mostly consumed by athletes to increase its performance. "Has, however, popularized for other activities such as hydrate the body after of exercise and mixtures of alcohol use."
We will learn "why is it so important to know the kinds of energy drinks that we consume.
The contain most energy drinks as: "Carbohydrates, caffeine, herbs, pyruvate, proteins, amino acids, creatine and carnitine." "Take this type of products without control and without knowing what is that you are managing the body, can be very dangerous for our health. Please note that these drinks contain supplements such as carbohydrates and proteins that at a given moment can be harmful if body registers an overdose."Important warning: these beverages must never take them as if they were soft, because they are not. ""In addition, you must take into account that bring many calories and if you do not do a great effort can accumulate in your body", says José Antonio Norega. Qúe contain energy drinks"
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To make the consumption of these beverages are not affected by David Lepe health:
1. Drink only when the body is in constant activity.
2. Not take it before sleep.
3. Not recommended children or elderly people.
4. Isn't advisable for people who are sensitive to caffeine.
5.Are contraindicadas in people with anxiety disorders.
6. Do not replace a balanced diet and a good rest.
7. Do not have the indicated properties to hydrate the body.
8. Do not mix with alcohol or medication.
Unlike the previous article http://www.alimentacion article published March 16, 2009 in says. "Danger of death or heart stops are some of the consequences that it is said, raises this mixture of energy drinks with alcohol." Nothing could be further from the truth. Certainly these beverages with alcohol mixture has some risk, but never of death. The problem is that alcohol is depressed and stimulating caffeine. The stimulating always prevails on the depressed and the feeling of euphoria does that the effects of alcohol conceal. I.e. pensarás that you're less drunk what you really are and drink more alcohol. Risk? That drinking whisky or wine in excess. In addition, also said that caffeine is diuretic, there such irremediable feel like going to the bathroom when babies more Red Bull account. Why and to avoid dehydration, it is advisable to drink plenty of water when you take a few cans of energy drinks. "Must also be said that certain studies abjure this feature of caffeine by saying that it is not more diuretic which can be piped water.".
"Codex food, a Committee specialised worldwide to study problems of food, and nutrition are estimated to each can contain between 0.08 to 0.10 g caffeine, along with 0.025 to 0.035 g taurine." "A daily consumption of three or four of these drinks cans can cause cardiac arrhythmia, irritability, difficulty concentrating, diarrhea and tremors." In energy drinks could not miss substances such as caffeine or Guarana. Both caffeine and Guarana are stimuli for anxiety. Energy drinks contain a substance called glucoronolactona.. It is a natural product which has a mission to assist in the synthesis of vitamin C in the body and serves as the Agency detoxificante. Side effects are known. L-carnitine is another substance of energy drinks. Generally used to produce muscle performance and undo the fats used for combustion. It should skip that not all energy drinks are. Another substance that can be added to the list is the Inositol, hydrate carbon used as a sweetener. There are those who say that it is beneficial to enhance performance. Although it is not scientifically proven. There are some that contain glutamate. Finally, note that energy drinks contain sugars: 13% bring about 130 calories. The cocktail of stimulants.
The main ingredients of these beverages are:
Carbohydrates: contain high concentrations of sugar either as sucrose, glucose or fructose. They can cause gastrointestinal upset or laxative effect.
Caffeine: increases muscle performance. If ingested after for having begun the exercise may have diuretic effect increasing the risk of dehydration.
Ginseng: its active principles are the ginsenósidos contained at the root of this plant, which neutralize fatigue and stress of the person to consume it.
Guarana: this Amazonian shrub seeds contain an identical to caffeine, sometimes called guaranina, other stimulants and vitamins A, B, and e.
Herb substance: the most common are nuts queue and leaves maté, used from centuries past as aphrodisiacs, to treat indigestion and appetite suppressants.
Amino acids: taurine, glutamine and arginine increases glycogen storage muscles during the post exercise recovery.
Creatine and carnitine: is a natural compound, is synthesized in the liver, pancreas and kidney of three amino acids (arginine, glycine and methionine).
Magnesium: is a mineral and is often lost by sweating, particularly during physical activity during the heat, and muscle function.
OP.CIT "addition of excess intake, another problem is the mistaken belief of this liquid hydrates the body after of exercise.""At the end of the practice of any sport body loses water and electrolytes, medically recommended moisturize with pure water or special drinks containing minerals and carbohydrates." Explains Verbena. "There is a universal recommended daily amount depends on the body and tolerance for each, but said that a dose of 300 / 400 mg daily caffeine is even healthy, helping to prevent evils as Alzehimer." Indeed, many medications we consume daily include caffeine in their composition. In other words, if you drink more than 4/5 cans daily we're passing the threshold of beneficial effects to the damaging effects. But someone respects these recommendations daily quantities in the rest of food? Any normal person far exceeds the recommended daily doses of fat, sugar or alcohol (especially the weekend). "Let alone tobacco and substance that probably are more harmful than a few cans of Burn". Further refining the accounts, we could say that nobody is able to drink 125 cans coup (would be more than 40 litres). Assuming chelates permanence of caffeine blood is about 4 hours and we drink a Tin every 15 minutes achieve a level of balance (it drank less as deleted) of drinking US 16 cans, so never sobrepasaríamos more than 1.5 grams in blood. Do you think that energy drinks are not so threatening, not? It is worth quoting philosopher Antonio Escohotado, a specialist in drug and addiction issues. In his famous book "History of drugs", Escohotado writes the following sentence, that the less gives to think:
"Calculating that caffeine has about ten times less activity than cocaine and the litre of concentrated coffee is equivalent to about 10 grams of caffeine, such persons [those who drink more than one daily litre coffee] are consuming daily dose equivalent to a gram of cocaine, little support health almost nobody number." "Since the energy drinks appeared on the market have had an incredible demand mainly among young people by stimulation they produce, as well as the State of euphoria that generated due to its active ingredients, which allows you to maintain hyperactive for several hours and somehow neutralize the effect of alcoholic beverages." Power supply of energy, protein, and significant amounts of magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium and calcium; also provides vitamins A, and to a lesser extent, the b complex.
Best energy sources without considering
energy drinks:
"breathing: is one of most important energy sources for human beings, more important even than the food." "" Breathing function is both energetizante, through deep cleaning or detoxifying, inspired by the expiry."
"Food: you can be a source of energy or a way to charge us toxins and disease. It is important to avoid foods that stop waste, producing heavy digestions and overload the liver on a daily basis. There are an infinite number of dietary schools, some conflicting, defended healthy food models.
"Each must come to theories with investigative spirit and test, attentive to the reactions of our body, to give the most appropriate diet."
“Exercise: regular physical exercise keeps us active and flexible; the excess of sedentary lifestyle makes increasingly difficult movement. Inertia being static is producing chronic tiredness. "We must find the midpoint, both excess and lack of exercise exhausted, placed in a balance: each period of activity should follow a recoil relaxation rest.
" How to have more energy:
"Sleep necessary." The dream has a vital role in your energy levels. Sure enough, at least for 7-8 hours sleep. "" The sleep should be a priority in your life, and to do this you must establish a routine schedules, both for your activities and to go to bed."
"You have good nutrition is essential to help keep your energy levels. "
" Work good nutrition through the consumption of small meals balanced for the day, and caring for the consumption of blood sugar. "
"Take the Sun moderately.
Energy sources.
Fruits. Regular physical exercise. Correct breathing. The correct positions. Massage. Relaxation. Energy techniques: yoga, martial arts, dance, and some more Power appropriate for each. Drinking water. Sleep you need for each establishment, neither more nor less. Bathing in the sea, rivers... Lie down on the Earth. Meditation.
General objective:
To make known the effects of energy drinks on the behaviour of the seniors of, Discovery School, 2010.
Specific objectives
1. Analyze what should take into account the seniors of Discovery School, 2010 by consume energy drinks.
2. Show the truth of energy drinks that the seniors of Discovery School, 2010 should know.
3. Know the main opinion of the seniors of Discovery School, 2010 of the consumption of energy drinks
4. Investigate why the seniors of the Discovery School, 2010 consume energy drinks.
5. Investigate how affects the behavior of the Seniors of Discovery School, 2010.
6. Determine how energy drinks can become addictive to the seniors of the Discovery School, 2010.
7. Give other power options are available for the seniors of the Discovery School 2010.
without consuming energy drinks.